I Am Raising My Daughter To Be A Strong Woman. Are You?


Women’s empowerment is not just a need of the hour, it is here to stay. I am raising my daughter to be empowered and I feel that you should too

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The bond that a mother shares with her daughter is very strong. A mother sees her reflection in her daughter, and every mother wants the best things to happen for their daughter. I feel the same way as my daughter Chanell. I want to give her a secure future, in which she feels empowered and celebrated. I want to nurture her with love and care, so she knows her true value and doesn’t let anyone tell her what she can or cannot do. I feel the importance of this is essential because I don’t want my daughter to face the hardships that I had to bear. No woman wants that, right?

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Here are a few basic things that I do for my daughter, and I think other mothers should as well;

  • I constantly tell her that she is beautiful. I want her to truly believe in this fact. This way, no one will be able to break her spirit by imposing societal norms of beauty on her.

  • I always encourage her to wear what she feels comfortable in. I hate to impose my own sense of fashion on her. We encourage her to select her own wardrobe.

  • We buy the toys that challenge her on a cognitive level. Learning toys are great for children at this age. These toys are essential for our children’s mental development.

  • Kids need to be aware of technology from a young age, so we encourage her to use her iPad.

  • Most importantly, we try to develop this sense of understanding in her that she can do anything that she wants. There are no barriers for women, and she can reach her true potential with focus and determination.

It makes me so happy that the world is finally waking up to the value and importance of women. In every field, women are playing key roles and proving the doubters wrong.

Uber has been cultivating an organizational culture that empowers women and gives them roles in which they can truly show their talents and live up to their full potential. The Women of Uber is a wonderful example of how Uber is taking steps to create a great platform and support for the women in the organization. Uber understands that women are talented, and is working for their professional development, at a fast pace, and on a global scale.

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As a mother, it gives me immense pleasure that there are brands out there that are making an effort to build a better world for my daughter. When Chanell grows up, she will have such platforms available to her which celebrate her potential, and that just makes the heart of a mother swell up with joy.

How are you empowering your little ones? Comment below!

Special thanks to Uber for sponsoring this post.


Rosanna Javier

| Mother | Wife | Blogger |